Baltimore Women's Giving Circle

Committee Info


The Communications Committee works with other BWGC committees to communicate the work of the Circle to prospective and current members, non-profit organizations, and the Baltimore area community. The Committee produces five newsletters, hosts a Facebook page, and oversees the Circle website. Committee work includes development of a communication strategy, writing short news articles or grantee success stories, editing and photographing events. The Committee meets monthly, but most of the work is done via phone and email. The Website subcommittee has day to day responsibility for ensuring that the website functions properly and that content is up to date and accurate.


The Education Committee is responsible for planning the programs for Full Circle meetings as well as educational events organized by their subcommittees. Circle Forum organizes site visits and interactive meetings focused on the work of our grantees. Circle Advocacy introduces members to current policy issues related to our mission and educates them on how to effectively advocate as individuals for causes they care about. Circle Reads, our membership book club, organizes two meetings a year. The Circle Study subcommittee chooses a topic to study in more depth. Through research and meetings with community leaders, the group identifies speakers for the Full Circle and other subcommittees. 


The Grants Committee orchestrates the grant-making process for the BWGC. Between January and April, organized teams of grant readers review grant requests, conduct site visits (in person or virtually), and recommend selected programs to receive funding. Circle members who attend funding presentations are eligible to vote on the selection of new grantees. New grant readers are encouraged to attend an orientation meeting in the fall. If you would like to be a grant reader you need to be able to attend grant reader meetings between January and April. Grant readers for the current grant cycle must sign-up by January 1. 


The Post Grants Committee establishes a relationship with our new grantees and monitors their accomplishments and progress through their grant period. Committee members serve as liaisons to conduct site visits and interviews with their assigned grantees. There are four committee meetings each year with most other work being completed by email and telephone. Committee members are encouraged to have experience in grant reading and must sign up by August 31. 


The Grantee Connect Committee fosters relationships among our grantee alumni and assists them in their non-profit work by presenting programs in which they have a special interest. Committee members research topics, select speakers, and organize two events a year. The time commitment is minimal and flexible as most communication with grantees is via email or telephone. A few committee members attend the events as facilitators. 


The Membership Committee is a group of hard working and enthusiastic women who work to support our current members and plan events to encourage prospective member to join The Circle. We have three subcommittees: Circle Connectors (for new members), Speakers and Donations (to support our Prospective Member and events) and Circle Works (who plan service projects with our grantees). We plan 2-4 Prospective Member events each year. The Speaker for our Prospective Members is from the organization that receives donations at Full Circle event - either donations in kind, or links to their website for financial support. The Membership Committee maintains the list of Prospective Members in the Member Leap database. This list is used to invite guests to both the Prospective Member events and Full Circle Meetings, when they are open to guests. We meet monthly, usually the 3rd Monday of the month at 12noon.


The REDI Committee seeks to examine the organization's role in creating a more just, equitable, and inclusive community where all women and their families flourish. The Committee is leading a Workgroup to: 

  • Provide continuous opportunities to the Circle membership for conversations and learning on the issues of racial equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Examine the BWGC's practices, policies, and procedures using a racial equity lens, both collaborating with committees and independently as appropriate. 

The time commitment is variable.