Baltimore Women's Giving Circle

Prepare, Inc.


Grant: $25,000


PREPARE Inc helps women incarcerated at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women to prepare for parole hearings. Because inmates are not permitted to have representation at parole hearings, it is vitally important that they understand the process and the relevant requirements before they appear.  One of the most important factors considered in a parole hearing is a thoroughly prepared reentry plan.  PREPARE staff help the women, individually and in work groups, to write compelling reentry plans, often comprising over 100 pages.  While plans are being drafted, PREPARE assists in lining up the components of the plans for successful execution such as housing, job training, etc.  PREPARE creates a complete system of resource counseling and post-incarceration services.  These women receive help crafting persuasive narratives which allow their stories to be told successfully before a Parole Board. PREPARE is the only service of this nature for the women at MCI-W and its work is sorely needed.