Sustaining Homes for Older Women (SHOW)

St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center will identify homeowners for whom minor repairs or financial situations may lead to the loss of housing. The SHOW program will serve clients who need urgent high-impact, low-cost repairs or modifications, such as furnace repairs, plumbing problems, and home safety modifications such as grab bars and railings, as well as issues with pest control and extermination. In addition, funds will assist women to avoid tax sale due to non-payment of property taxes or water bills, eviction due to delinquent rent, and foreclosure due to inability to reinstate or make full payment on a modified payment amount. Staff will assess candidates for the funds by determining the necessity of the funds as well as the sustainability of the housing after the funds are provided. Clients will also be connected to existing health and community services to support their independence, dignity, and healthful engagement in the their communities.

BWGC funds supports direct assistance to clients and offset salaries for staff.